The Best Board Games Of 2013
I have received multiple requests for a list of the best board games released in 2013. So HERE YA GO! But, before I get to the list, I want to say Thank You All so much for your feedback and support!! Keep it coming!
Now, back to the list. As you know we like to diversify our lists because we understand board gamers come from all walks of life and have their personal preferences.
That being said, we found this list to be slightly more difficult to diversify because of the lack of reviews and or information on games recently produced. We found most of the games receiving a lot of praise were typically for more advanced board gamers. And quite frankly, we here at have not had enough time to play them all.
As always, we separated our list of the Best Board Games 2013 into the following most popular categories;
- Family
- Party
- Strategy
- Fantasy
- Kids